Meet Mother Sketcher

It had always been there – they say some folks are just born with it. For years it hid just beneath the surface: muffled, curbed, bottled-up. Repressed while she went to college and then law school. Overpowered as she settled comfortably into her role as a stay at home mom. She gained that baby weight, sleep trained, mom and totted, lost that baby weight (yay), gained that baby weight again (ugh), did yoga, swore off carbs, waited in those drop off lines and then again in the pick up ones. She was a room mom! A hockey mom! A dance mom! Yeesh!

julie-chernow-mother-sketcherAnd then it happened…inspired by her babies that had somehow turned into tweens. She picked up a pair of white sneakers and started to doodle. Ten hours later the shoes looked as good as the ones her daughter coveted on Instagram.

Refusing to be neglected for another second, “That ole’ art bug”, that itch to create reared its head and attacked! She suddenly found herself knee deep in sharpies and fabric paint.

Between the drama of middle school and her husband’s tee times, she spent hours scouring the internet, tumbler and Instagram searching for relevant material to doodle onto white sneakers. “OMG”, “YASSS”, it was “lit”, “on fleek”, “FAB” and “Fetch”. She wasn’t sure what any of that lingo actually meant as she sketched it onto shoe after shoe after shoe. Then suddenly everyone wanted a pair of the shoes that Blair and Jake’s Mother had Sketched! Wait a Minute! Did someone say MOTHER Sketcher??!! Oh yes they did! and Mother Sketcher was born!

Oh, she sketched and she colored alright, but as she colored she reflected and mused. For people had been coloring on white sneakers for longer than Mother Sketcher had been alive (42 years). Mother Sketcher knew she had to think bigger and bolder! UGGS! Timberlands! Doc Martens! And why stop with just shoes?

Stylish women from all over the globe began knocking on her door (and texting)! They wanted customized, hand-painted, one-of-a-kind clothing and accessories too, so she stepped it up! She added some gritty, unconventional style to the mix! Enter… customized, edgy design, hand-painted on the most fashion forward and stylish trends of the season! Handbags! Clutches! Backpacks! Beach Bags! Leather jackets! Military Jackets! Blazers! Denim! And that was just the beginning…

Because when that art bug bit, it bit hard and it wasn’t going away anytime soon!

So now that we have met, now that we have been properly introduced, what can we dream up and design together today?



